Friday, October 2, 2009

Fall Leaves and Family Photos

Last Sunday, we all took a ride up to Snowbasin to see the leaves. Kelly brought his camera and took some great photos. I thought it was remarkable that no one fell and was injured. You see, the boulders around us we really quite high off the ground, and we were all doing a balancing act trying to stay on them. Kelly was doing the most acrobatics, jumping from boulder to boulder so he could line up the shot, and then jumping back to get in the picture. It was a fun time, and I'm glad we all made it down safely!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

This is the first family video from the Tetons. It has some of my favorite people in it. I'm still working on a video that has the hikes in it. Until then, here it is...

Horse Riding, Cowboy fools!

This is our horse ride in the Tetons. The opening shots are from my grandmother's old movies. I think I inherited my love of the Tetons from her. I'll bet she had thousands of hours of old movie shots of the Tetons. Funny how they don't look any different now than they did in those old 8mm movies from 45 years ago. Watching those old movies really brings back a lot of good memories. It's a wonderful thing to be able to look back and remember the good times and how much fun we had together. However, I have decided that these days, a one hour ride on a horse at a slow walk is more than enough to last me for a long, long, time.

Opening shots include my Uncle Gary and Aunt Arlene, with Arlene's sister LaRae. (I called her Mabel - I don't know why.) But we had a lot of good times in the Tetons. I think these movies were taken on the trip where Gary took us to the cafeteria for dinner one day. Mabel and I thought you had to take one of everything, so when they rang up the bill, Gary was amazed. He threatened us that we had better eat everything we took or else. We couldn't possibly eat it all, but as was usually the case, Gary's bark was worse than his bite. I can remember Paul coming back from a camping trip to the Tetons with Gary, where Gary had made Paul sit in the showers for 4 hours while they washed his clothes. Good times!

Caitlin loves horses so much, but she is soooo allergic. She was really the reason we went horseback riding - that, and it was Coulton's last trip before his mission. Caitlin always has to take a Benydril before riding, and then change out of her clothes immediately when she is done. She had a good time, but was drowsy the rest of the day. The rest of us city slickers had a good time, but I for one was glad the trip only lasted an hour. I walked funny for the rest of the trip... how did John Wayne do that?

Ride, Cowboy, Ride seemed appropriate for this day.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Teton Scenery

For some reason, the Tetons have always possessed some kind of magical power in my mind. Maybe it's because I grew up in Idaho, and as a kid, I always looked forward to 'going to the Tetons' with my family. I think some of that must have rubbed off on my family as well. Almost all of the photos in this video were taken by my kids.

The music that accompanies the video is a song I first heard when Noelle was in high school - the Madrigals sang it, and most recently Coulton sang it as a duet with Natalie. In my mind, the photos and the music combined remind me of many happy years spent in the shadow of those mountains, so I thought it would be fun to share it with you.

My next video (in work) will focus on all the great family photos taken during the trip. Until then ...

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Lots has happened since my last post. Unfortunately, this is the last thing that gets my attention. I'm just too busy having fun.

The family went camping in the Tetons. Unbelievable beauty - unbelievable fun. These guys are really a hoot to hang out with. Coulton made sure everybody was 'hiked out' before they went home, and I made sure I got copies of everybody's photos! With so many great photographers in the family, I decided to let them do all the work.

Anyway, I hope to share more in the coming days.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Andersens Outshine the Rain

This is the final version of the photo.

June was without a doubt the rainiest I have ever seen in Brigham City (just check out my leaky garage ceiling!) There were, however, some outstanding bright spots. Like the Andersen Family Reunion on Father's Day. What a fun bunch of people. It had been a long time since we had gotten together, so it was a great day. I thought I would share some of the rays of sunshine that managed to break through the miserable June weather this year.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Lagoon Day

June 26, 2009 I spent with some of my favorite people, as seen here. Another day at Lagoon - not necessarily my idea of a good time, except I was able to capture some of the enthusiasm of my grandkids in the process. Something about having them around makes me feel younger, even though I'm still not overly interested in being whirled and twirled in some whirly gig that is bound and determined to drench me with water before it's over. Give me a bingo card and a grandkid any ole' day.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

OK, so we (Jana and I) had our most difficult night yet relative to Coulton's 'coming of age'. Last night, Friday, May 29, was his final Madrigal concert. It was great to hear all of the songs they had performed throughout the year just one last time, but it sure was difficult to see it end, especially when they performed Invocation for the last time. I have had 4 kids pass this way, and it gets harder with every one. Seen here with Carrisa and some of his Madrigal friends, we were grateful he had a chance to be in this group of talented kids. We'll miss it lots.

Seminary Graduation

Last Thursday night (May 28), Coulton graduated from 4 years of seminary. We're all very proud of him. As a graduation gift, we bought him a new suit (actually, it's the first suit he's ever owned). I think he looks great in this photo with Bishop Lewis. At times, I thought he was more excited about getting a suit than just about any other gift he's ever been given! Coulton has really enjoyed living in this ward, and has loads of great friends both in this neighborhood, and in our previous 'hood.

Coulton Graduating?

I know. For a lot of you, it's news that Coulton is graduating. It's not that I didn't think he could, it just doesn't seem possible that the time has arrived so quickly. It doesn't seem possible. Anyway, I'm a proud dad. I mean, it's nice that he's graduating and all... that's only part of the reason I'm proud. The main reason I'm proud is because he has turned out to be such a gentle, kind, and principled young man. He has so many young friends who all look up to him and enjoy being in his company. I like his quote in the yearbook when they asked him about the football season. He commented that it had been a tough year for the team, but he still had learned a lot. I'm sure he has learned a lot - much of which will stand him in good stead as he continues his journey in life. In the words of his friend, Steve Barron, Coulton's a 'stud'! I think that's good?!

Happy Birthday, Mom!

A lot has happened since I last posted. First, I need to say Happy Birthday to my mom! She turned 77 on May 23. I really love this picture of her with Natalie. She has always been so supportive of everything we've done, and we all think she's pretty special. Over the years she's given us plenty of guidance (sometimes we called them lectures), and it turns out that she always knew what she was talking about! I'm grateful to have such a wonderful mom. She has blessed our lives in so many ways. Happy belated birthday mom - and many, many more!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Jace David joins Team Willes

Here's or newest addition to team Willes. Kelly and Nicole had Jace early Wednesday, April 22. He weighed 6 lbs 4 oz, and mom (and dad) are doing great. Grandpa is really glad to have the 4th member of the hockey team in place.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

I wanted to post this picture too. For some reason, I can see my dad in Coulton's face. Anyone else agree...? disagree?

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Senior Pictures

Coulton and his mom got up early Saturday morning and drove down to Layton so our resident photographer (and son-in law) Kelly could take some senior pictures. We opted not to spend money on a studio picture, since Kelly does such a much better job (and his prices are hard to beat!) The only problem is that when we try to get them printed at Walmart, they make us sign a paper saying we own the pictures. You can probably see why. They look better than anything you can get at a studio. Coulton graduates from high school next month. Hard to believe.

In the meantime, if you want a great sandwich, have him make you one when he's working at the Old Grist Mill in Brigham. He's become quite the sandwich chef!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Happy Birthday, Dad!

The heavy spring snow brought down a tree in my backyard. The next Saturday afternoon, here came my dad with his chain saw (he lives in Pocatello - not exactly down the block!) Anyway, my mom and dad came down and made short work of the task. I did a little work, but my dad did the most. By the time we were done, the tree was in pieces, my dad was putting away the chain saw, and I was huffing and puffing from my meager efforts.

That's my dad. He's the leader of the band. After years of teaching high school band, he's retired now - not in the real sense, only figuratively. He doesn't get paid for the work he does now, but you'll rarely catch him sitting down.

All my life I have tried to keep up with him. I have a memory as a young boy. I was running along side him as he chased his marching band down the street, whistling every now and again to draw attention to a crooked line or someone out of step. Parades in Blackfoot, Pocatello, Ogden. I can even remember going to lunch with all the dignitaries, including Cal Rampton, then Governor of Utah, at the Weber State Homecoming. It made me feel important, because I was with someone special - my dad.

Having your dad for a band teacher for three years in high school was also a lot of fun - once I got over the awkwardness of what to call him when I had a question in class. "Hey dad" seemed a bit too familiar, so it usually came out as "Hey...?" I always enjoyed playing under his direction - pit orchestras, stage band, pepband, bagpipes. And when the concert was over, I always wanted to hang around him so I could hear people tell him how great it was.

It's hard to calculate the impact he has had on the community. Countless city band concerts, musicals, fund raisers... I have posted one of his city band Sousa marches with this post. It was the concert in which I was mysteriously selected as a guest conductor (I think my kids stuffed the ballot box). I don't care how I got there, I was just honored to conduct my dad's band.

It's not hard to calculate the impact he has had on our lives. I have met so many people who know him, and have been touched by him in one way or another. Maybe he was their bishop. Maybe he conducted an orchestra, choir, band, or musical in which they participated. Maybe he helped them move, or helped pour cement for a new sidewalk. Maybe he hauled materials all the way to California to make a playhouse, and then spent a week building it for a beloved granddaughter. Or maybe he took time out of his day to give advice on trumpets to one of my NASA counterparts, whose son ended up playing for 4 years with the Alabama Crimson Tide marching band. Maybe he gifted pianos to some married granddaughters, which made it possible for them to teach at home and be with their young families. Or maybe he just brightened your day by showing up unannounced to help you chop up a fallen tree.

So here's wishing my dad a happy birthday. I can't put into words how much I love this guy. Not just because he's the leader of the band, but because he's my dad.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Leapin' Dancers

February, March, and April are dance competition months. And although I like to watch Caitlin dance, these competitions can be grueling. Friday was LA Dance Magic weekend. The fun started at 3:30 in the afternoon and ended at 10:30 p.m. Not to be outdone, Saturday started at 7:00 a.m. and ended at 9:00 p.m. Caitlin really loves it though, so I guess that's what counts. This one gives them the chance to not only compete, but to take classes from some of the best dancers in the area. Caitlin had fun. I had fun watching her. Now halfway through competition season, I'll be happy to see May!

Friday, March 13, 2009

March Calendar Girls

What a lucky guy. Within the space of 3 days, I get to celebrate birthdays for 3 of my favorite girls - Jana, Noelle, and Caitlin (seen here in their earlier years). We're off to the mall tonight, to spend some money and have some fun. I don't know what I did to deserve this - but it sure is fun!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Logan James

The newest member of our family, Logan James, was born Sunday, February 22, 2009 to Noelle and Eric. Seen here with his 'couldn't be prouder' nana Jana, we are glad he's here. Now if we can get Nicole to get with the program and deliver our grandkids will number 4!

The biggest snowman I've ever had in my yard, created by some of the biggest flakes I know!