Thursday, July 2, 2009

Lagoon Day

June 26, 2009 I spent with some of my favorite people, as seen here. Another day at Lagoon - not necessarily my idea of a good time, except I was able to capture some of the enthusiasm of my grandkids in the process. Something about having them around makes me feel younger, even though I'm still not overly interested in being whirled and twirled in some whirly gig that is bound and determined to drench me with water before it's over. Give me a bingo card and a grandkid any ole' day.


  1. I Love it!!! It looks so cool to have wicked in the background. That's one thing we can't do with the other type of scrapbooking. Sometimes I wish I could do that.

  2. This is really cool Uncle Dave! I am so sad we missed Lagoon day this year :(. Looks like you all had a great time though! Those grand-kids are so stinkin cute! I just wanna squeeze and love em'

  3. I love it dad!! Look at you ya little scrapbooker! those boys were so funny. And I'll never forget watching Karter get so mad at his bumper car going in circles and him not being able to control it. Such a fun time!!
