Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Andersens Outshine the Rain

This is the final version of the photo.

June was without a doubt the rainiest I have ever seen in Brigham City (just check out my leaky garage ceiling!) There were, however, some outstanding bright spots. Like the Andersen Family Reunion on Father's Day. What a fun bunch of people. It had been a long time since we had gotten together, so it was a great day. I thought I would share some of the rays of sunshine that managed to break through the miserable June weather this year.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Lagoon Day

June 26, 2009 I spent with some of my favorite people, as seen here. Another day at Lagoon - not necessarily my idea of a good time, except I was able to capture some of the enthusiasm of my grandkids in the process. Something about having them around makes me feel younger, even though I'm still not overly interested in being whirled and twirled in some whirly gig that is bound and determined to drench me with water before it's over. Give me a bingo card and a grandkid any ole' day.