Saturday, May 30, 2009

OK, so we (Jana and I) had our most difficult night yet relative to Coulton's 'coming of age'. Last night, Friday, May 29, was his final Madrigal concert. It was great to hear all of the songs they had performed throughout the year just one last time, but it sure was difficult to see it end, especially when they performed Invocation for the last time. I have had 4 kids pass this way, and it gets harder with every one. Seen here with Carrisa and some of his Madrigal friends, we were grateful he had a chance to be in this group of talented kids. We'll miss it lots.

Seminary Graduation

Last Thursday night (May 28), Coulton graduated from 4 years of seminary. We're all very proud of him. As a graduation gift, we bought him a new suit (actually, it's the first suit he's ever owned). I think he looks great in this photo with Bishop Lewis. At times, I thought he was more excited about getting a suit than just about any other gift he's ever been given! Coulton has really enjoyed living in this ward, and has loads of great friends both in this neighborhood, and in our previous 'hood.

Coulton Graduating?

I know. For a lot of you, it's news that Coulton is graduating. It's not that I didn't think he could, it just doesn't seem possible that the time has arrived so quickly. It doesn't seem possible. Anyway, I'm a proud dad. I mean, it's nice that he's graduating and all... that's only part of the reason I'm proud. The main reason I'm proud is because he has turned out to be such a gentle, kind, and principled young man. He has so many young friends who all look up to him and enjoy being in his company. I like his quote in the yearbook when they asked him about the football season. He commented that it had been a tough year for the team, but he still had learned a lot. I'm sure he has learned a lot - much of which will stand him in good stead as he continues his journey in life. In the words of his friend, Steve Barron, Coulton's a 'stud'! I think that's good?!

Happy Birthday, Mom!

A lot has happened since I last posted. First, I need to say Happy Birthday to my mom! She turned 77 on May 23. I really love this picture of her with Natalie. She has always been so supportive of everything we've done, and we all think she's pretty special. Over the years she's given us plenty of guidance (sometimes we called them lectures), and it turns out that she always knew what she was talking about! I'm grateful to have such a wonderful mom. She has blessed our lives in so many ways. Happy belated birthday mom - and many, many more!